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LIICT 2017 – save the date!

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One of our most memorable stops on LIICT 2016 was at McNulty’s in Miller Place. Not only did we get great ice cream and generous discounts, but the owner had signs made up welcoming us, put up balloons, and even hired live entertainment for us (thanks Gail!)

LIICT 2017, our seventh annual tour, is now set for Sunday, July 23, 2017. LIICT (Long Island Ice Cream Tour) is open invitation to anyone who likes ice cream and a fun day of trying interesting fresh HOMEMADE flavors at locally-owned ice cream shops.

Save the date – Sunday, July 23, 2017. Tell your friends. Sign up on our Facebook page… and meet the tour (in your own car) at Snowflake1148 West Main Street, Riverhead at 10:00am. Buy ice cream at every place (or wherever you’d like), any flavor, any size. Whatever you want to try. Some places offer free samples. You can join us at anytime, leave at any time. We have arranged for specials at nearly every stop, from a tour of how ice cream is made from scratch, to discounts, to free LIICT swag. So check our posts here!

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