LIICT South is Saturday, June 29th

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It’s HOT. Time for some cold ice cream – LIICT South is Saturday, June 29th, 2024 – Long Island Ice Cream Tours (LIICT), now in its 14th year, will again this summer tour Long Island sampling the sweetness of fresh, homemade ice cream. Each day lasts about seven hours, sampling from the shops on Long Island that make their ice cream on their premises.

Think of it as a bar crawl, but where no one ever got arrested from trying a lot of ice cream.

The first tour of summer 2024 will be LIICT South, which will be held on Saturday, June 29 at 2:00pm. Our caravan will traverse the south shore of Suffolk and Nassau Counties, where we will sample the sweet homemade ice cream of stores in those parts of Long Island. It begins at Ice Cream Cottage in Mastic Beach, and scheduled stops include Coyle’s Homemade Ice Cream (under new ownership), Frozen Cow Ices and CreamMarvel Frozen Dairy (soft serve), Itgens’s Ice Cream Parlor (back on the tour), and International Delights Cafe of Bellmore (new to LIICT).

Registration includes an official LIICT tour shirt — which entitles participants to special discounts — and many of the shops offer special flavors or creations for the day. All shops on LIICT are locally-owned and create their ice cream on-premise. This unique event also helps the local economy by supporting fellow Long Island businesses and their families. In past years, this unique tour has been covered by local media including network broadcast news, and appeared in a variety of print media. And we were just covered in an article by Newsday online (

Click here to purchase tickets for our 2024 tours. Get LIICT’d with us.

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